This is about pairs. Both routes use beltline crossings at Trailwood Rd. and State St. that are safer alternatives to big streets such as Hammond, Wilmington, Gorman, and Garner. The feel of the ride around South Saunders and Hammond isn’t exactly what we look for in peaceful greenway rides, but the light industrial section only lasts for about a mile. The rest of the ride is through neighborhoods, with a protected bike lane on Lineberry Rd, and a bike lane on Cross Link Rd. State St. is a wide and quiet street, handy for getting in to downtown from the Biltmore Hills Park area.

A network of numbered bike routes around the capitol city exists which date back to the early eighties. Occasionally one will see the street signs with a green bike design and a number. On the south side of the beltline, this ride follows route 6 from that collection.

Castor and Pollux had the same mom, so it is appropriate that about half the ride is the same. Between the pair, they show alternative ways to get from the Wetlands Center back to Dix. Castor follows the Walnut Creek Trail, and Pollux follows the Little Rock Trail up into downtown for a little more excitement.