Expanded Knightdale loop 39.6 miles

This double loop route crosses the Neuse River twice, using the Milburnie Dam bridge, and the Mingo Creek Trail bridges. The Milburnie Dam bridge, leads to Old Milburnie Rd and Forestville Rd to make the trip into downtown Knightdale via roads. Mingo Creek Trail and its bridge follow a flatter, and more secluded route back to the Neuse River Trail. The Walnut Creek Trail is used here for the trip back into town.

Neuse River bridge at the former Old Milburnie dam site.

Sections of the Classic Loop route provide the reach to the Neuse River area. At that point, options abound. This eastern loop of this route is the unique part of this Knightdale visit. Old Milburnie and Forestville Rds. could just as easily take you to Rolesville and/or Wendell for a much longer road ride. Some of the stretches out east are little changed from days gone by.

Crabtree Creek crossing just south of Anderson Point Park.
Boardwalk approach to a bridge over the water on the Crabtree Creek trail.